Articles on: Store Manager

Filters, sorting, “Share” button

On product pages, you can sort the list by number of sales, number of stock, and date.

In addition, in the header of some pages there is a product filter by categories and brands.

You can apply a filter for only one brand, but you can select several categories.
By default, the 2nd level of product categories is selected, to change it, you need to click on the drop-down list and change the level.
You can apply a search by category name of the selected level.
To apply a filter, you need to select the desired categories, brand and close the filter by clicking outside of it.
For example, if you select the category "Candy, sweets", you will see a list of products belonging to this category.

Note! Products are filtered only by categories of the selected level.

Some indicators have a "Share" button in the lower right corner.

This button spreads information about the product to various social networks in the form of a text document in extended .xlsx and contains the following information depending on the block:
Article number;
Bar code;

Updated on: 09/12/2022

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