Product card
You can go to the list of products by clicking on any block or by finding a product in the Search tab. Each product has a small and a large card.

The small card contains the following metrics:
Stock Qty as of the last date of data upload;
Yesterday sale;
Last 7days sale;
Note! You can copy the identifier by long pressing on it.

The "Price" metric has an indicator (circle) next to it, the color of which reflects where the price is taken from:
Green - current price from documents;
Gray - the price from yesterday's check (if there were sales);
Red - the average price of the product for the last 30 days (if there were sales);
Blue - other cases.
Swiping the small product card on the left allows you to conveniently move the product to the "Products in progress" block by clicking the necessary icon of the cause of the problem for the product.

Swiping to the right allows you to move the product to the "Products on which questions arose" block and leave a comment that must be answered by clicking the "Why" button.
You can also create a task by clicking the corresponding button. The Select products page opens to add products to the task, just like when you create a task from the sidebar.

If you double-click on the small product card, you will move to a large product card, which contains the following information:
General information about the product: the same as on the small product card;
Average sales in 7 days
Days to 0 stocks
Buttons: Documents, Price types, Stock per Stores, Layout of products on the shelf and Photo reports (accessed by the administrator)
Chat function for the product , where you can leave any comments

Turns metric - is the average sales for the last 30 days in absolute units.
Days to 0 stocks metric shows the qty of days remaining until the stocks reaches zero at the usual intensity of sales of this product.
Note! The amount of information a user sees depends on the level of access and availability of that information.
On the "Documents" page you can view the following types of documents:
End of day stocks.
On the "Price" page, you can view price types.
On the "Stock per Stores" page, you can view information about the stock and stock price of products for all stores in the chain, regardless of access level.
On the “Layout” page, you can view a list of stands with the layout of the product, clicking on which opens a list of planograms.
Note! Only planograms with the status “Confirmed” are displayed on the “Layout”.
On the page “Photo report”, you can view a list of dates when photo reports were attached and open them by clicking.
Note! “Photo reports” only display photo reports of planograms with the status “Confirmed”.
In the "Comment" block you can correspond on the product with colleagues, respond to comments and attach photos.

Small product card
The small card contains the following metrics:
Stock Qty as of the last date of data upload;
Yesterday sale;
Last 7days sale;
Note! You can copy the identifier by long pressing on it.

The "Price" metric has an indicator (circle) next to it, the color of which reflects where the price is taken from:
Green - current price from documents;
Gray - the price from yesterday's check (if there were sales);
Red - the average price of the product for the last 30 days (if there were sales);
Blue - other cases.
Swiping the small product card on the left allows you to conveniently move the product to the "Products in progress" block by clicking the necessary icon of the cause of the problem for the product.

Swiping to the right allows you to move the product to the "Products on which questions arose" block and leave a comment that must be answered by clicking the "Why" button.
You can also create a task by clicking the corresponding button. The Select products page opens to add products to the task, just like when you create a task from the sidebar.

Large product card
If you double-click on the small product card, you will move to a large product card, which contains the following information:
General information about the product: the same as on the small product card;
Average sales in 7 days
Days to 0 stocks
Buttons: Documents, Price types, Stock per Stores, Layout of products on the shelf and Photo reports (accessed by the administrator)
Chat function for the product , where you can leave any comments

Turns metric - is the average sales for the last 30 days in absolute units.
Days to 0 stocks metric shows the qty of days remaining until the stocks reaches zero at the usual intensity of sales of this product.
Note! The amount of information a user sees depends on the level of access and availability of that information.
On the "Documents" page you can view the following types of documents:
End of day stocks.
On the "Price" page, you can view price types.
On the "Stock per Stores" page, you can view information about the stock and stock price of products for all stores in the chain, regardless of access level.
On the “Layout” page, you can view a list of stands with the layout of the product, clicking on which opens a list of planograms.
Note! Only planograms with the status “Confirmed” are displayed on the “Layout”.
On the page “Photo report”, you can view a list of dates when photo reports were attached and open them by clicking.
Note! “Photo reports” only display photo reports of planograms with the status “Confirmed”.
In the "Comment" block you can correspond on the product with colleagues, respond to comments and attach photos.

Updated on: 26/03/2024
Thank you!