To create, execute, and monitor tasks in stores, the “Task” page has been created, which is located in the sidebar menu.
The “Task” page contains 4 tabs:
My tasks — a list of tasks assigned for completion;
Assigned — a list of tasks created by the user;
Follow — tasks where the user has been added as an “оbservers”;
Regular — a list of task templates that are automatically created based on predefined parameters and frequency.
Note! By default, when navigating to the “Task” page, the “My tasks” tab opens.
On the “My tasks”, “Assigned”, and “Follow” tabs, small task cards with sub-tasks for stores that are accessible are available.
All tasks are divided into three types:
One-time — regular tasks that are immediately available for completion.
Regular Tasks — task templates with configured periodicity parameters and other details, allowing new similar tasks to be automatically created.
Scheduled (Regular) — tasks automatically created based on a regular task template.
The small card for Regular and Scheduled tasks contains the corresponding icon:
In the header of the page, you can Search for Tasks by their name.
Also, in the upper right corner of the page, there is a Filter button, which allows filtering the page content:
by task type (on the “My tasks”, “Assigned”, and “Follow” tabs);
by task status;
by stores.
The process for creating a “Regular task” template is described in the article at the provided link.
Note! Creating a “One-time” task is possible on the “My Tasks”, “Assigned”, and “Follow” tabs.
To create a one-time task, you need to click on the button in the lower right corner of the screen:
Creating a “One-time” task consists of 5 steps:
Task description;
Selecting stores;
Attaching products to the task;
Assigning executors and observers;
Creating checklists for the main task or subtasks for the stores.
Changes are saved after each tap on the Next button.
On the 1st step, the following fields should be filled out:
Task name;
Attachments (file or image);
Required photo report;
Due Date (date and time).
The 2nd step is for selecting stores.
Note! For each store, a subtask will be created within the main task.
At the top of the page, a Search, and Filter button is available for filtering by Tags or Store Groups.
Step 3 allows you to select the products to be added to the task for checking. By default, a list of all assortment items for the selected stores is displayed.
Note! You can create a task without products by tapping the Without Products button.
The Search finds products by name, identifier, or by using the barcode scanner.
To filter the product list, click the button on the right at the top of the page. Products can be filtered by:
Problem blocks (Lost Sales (yesterday), Negative Stock Qty, etc.);
Note! After selecting blocks, you can filter products by category and brand.
To select all products in a block, activate the checkbox All at the top of the page.
To attach a product to a task, swipe it to the left; to remove a product — swipe it to the right.
The 4th step is for selecting artists.
Assign a different executor for each store;
Set the same role for all stores.
To set the same role for all stores in the task, tap the Set the executor(s) role button.
Note! If only one user has access to a store, they will automatically be assigned as the executor for that store.
On the “Select Executor” page, there's an option to filter
store cards by those with or without assigned executors.
Color markers have been added to store cards:
Green stripe — indicates an executor has been assigned to the task;
Red stripe — indicates no executor has been assigned to the task.
Observers are users who have been granted access to the task only at the observation level. To add observers, tap the respective button at the top of the page.
Note! Assigning “Observers” is optional.
The list of observers includes users who:
Have access to all attached stores;
Are not the task creator;
Have not been selected as the task executor.
Note! If an observer is selected as an executor, they will disappear from the list of observers.
The 5th step is used to attach Checklists to a task. On the Task details page, you can add checklists to the main task or to subtasks by store.
If the task creation process was not completed — is saved with the status Draft, and it is only visible to the creator.
After double-tapping on a task with this status, all creation stages open with pre-filled fields: task description, selected stores, attached products, and selected executors.
Note! If the list of selected stores is changed on the “Select Products” page, the product selection will be reset.
Once all stages are completed — the task appears on the "Assigned" page with the status Created. A notification is sent to all participants, and the task becomes viewable.
After double-tapping the task card, you can view its details:
Task name and status;
Time for completion;
Note! By default, the task, and subtasks are assigned the status Created, and the priority corresponds to the value set in the first step. On the subtask pages, statuses can be changed individually for each store.
The three-dot menu on the small task card is available to all users who have access to the task (author, executors, observers).
The following actions are available:
Edit — allows changing the selected task settings;
Repeat — allows proceeding to create a regular task;
Copy — copies the selected task as a one-time task;
Observers — displays a list of users who can view the task;
Delete — deletes the selected task.
For tasks with the Draft status, only the Delete option is available. A double tap on a draft card opens the task for further creation.
To change the task status, tap on the current status and select the desired one from the list:
In Progress;
The task priority can be changed in a similar manner.
The color of the icon next to the store name corresponds to its status:
Yellow — created;
Blue — in progress;
Red — returned;
Green — completed;
Gray — draft.
At the bottom of the page, there is a list of stores where the task needs to be completed.
After tapping, the subtask page opens with options to change:
Add Photo Report.
To add a photo report for the store, tap the Add photo report button and select a photo from the gallery. Photo report items can be marked, deleted, or zoomed in by tapping on the photo.
Note! You can add up to 10 photos to the photo report.
The subtask status can be changed to Completed only if a photo report is attached, provided it is required.
Note! If a photo report is attached to the subtask and its status is set to Completed, removing photo report items will automatically change the status to In Progress.
To view the task execution history, tap the corresponding button at the top of the page:
The history contains information about all events that occurred with the task (status changes, priority changes, edits to selected stores, products, copying, etc.), as well as any changes made to checklist items (creation, status changes, and deletion).
To check the task progress for a specific store, tap on its name in the main task details. This page is intended for the executor to complete tasks for the selected store.
The subtask description is similar to the main task, but the status and priority are indicated individually, and the history contains entries related only to the current store: comments, product checks, assignment of executors, etc.
To check attached products, double-tap the corresponding block in the task details. The chart shows the number of checked products relative to the total number of attached items.
You can Search for products by name, ID, or use the barcode scanner.
The product list can be filtered by check status or categories. By default, "All products" are displayed, with the option to select:
Awaiting verefication (not yet checked);
Completed (green);
Returned (red).
To mark a product that meets the requirements, simply swipe left, and if there are issues — swipe right. If needed, a comment or photo can be added.
If the task includes the “Promo Products” or “New Prom Products” block, the colored price tag scanning function becomes available.
During barcode scanning, the system analyzes the price tag color. To do this, aim the camera so that the price tag fully fits within the highlighted area.
For example, if the price tag is yellow, the product found by the barcode is automatically marked as completed (green), and a modal window opens for adding a comment or photo. If the price tag is white, the product will be found, but the check result needs to be determined manually. The product status can be changed manually by swiping it in the opposite direction.
On the “Task Details” page, there is a “Checklists” tab. Checklists allow tracking the progress of work with products added to the task.
Working with checklists includes:
Creating checklists — adding items in the “Enter a numeric value” field;
Adding checklists from a file — using the Download button;
Editing checklists — by tapping on an already created checklist item;
Changing checklist statuses — by activating the checkbox;
Deleting checklists — by swiping the item left and tapping the Delete button.
After tapping the “three dots” button, a context menu opens with the options:
“Complete/Cancel all checklists”;
“Delete all checklists”.
If the checklist is fully completed, the counter is highlighted in green.
Note! Checklists can be created both for tasks and individually for stores.
In tasks and subtasks, you can save a checklist as a template. To do this, tap the Templates button, select the Save function from the context menu, and enter the template name.
To apply a template in the required task/subtask, go to its details, tap the “Checklists” tab, tap the Templates button, and select the Apply function from the context menu.
You can search for checklist templates using the field at the top. To delete a template, tap the three dots and select Delete.
Note! Multiple templates can be applied simultaneously.
In the task and subtask details, for all participants with access, there is a general chat. To access the page, tap the “Comments” tab.
To create a new comment, add text in the field at the bottom of the page and tap the send button.
To send a message to a specific participant, tap the Reply button or mention the participant using the "@" symbol and select from the list of available users. In this case, only the mentioned user will receive a notification; otherwise, the notification will be sent to all task participants.
You can mention only those task participants who have access to the selected store. You can also like a message or reply. After a long tap, the user icons of those who liked the comment (if any) will appear.
To delete a comment, swipe left and tap the corresponding button.
Note! When deleting a comment, all replies will also be deleted.
The “Task” page contains 4 tabs:
My tasks — a list of tasks assigned for completion;
Assigned — a list of tasks created by the user;
Follow — tasks where the user has been added as an “оbservers”;
Regular — a list of task templates that are automatically created based on predefined parameters and frequency.
Note! By default, when navigating to the “Task” page, the “My tasks” tab opens.
On the “My tasks”, “Assigned”, and “Follow” tabs, small task cards with sub-tasks for stores that are accessible are available.
All tasks are divided into three types:
One-time — regular tasks that are immediately available for completion.
Regular Tasks — task templates with configured periodicity parameters and other details, allowing new similar tasks to be automatically created.
Scheduled (Regular) — tasks automatically created based on a regular task template.
The small card for Regular and Scheduled tasks contains the corresponding icon:
In the header of the page, you can Search for Tasks by their name.
Also, in the upper right corner of the page, there is a Filter button, which allows filtering the page content:
by task type (on the “My tasks”, “Assigned”, and “Follow” tabs);
by task status;
by stores.
How to create a task?
The process for creating a “Regular task” template is described in the article at the provided link.
Process for creating a “One-time” task:
Note! Creating a “One-time” task is possible on the “My Tasks”, “Assigned”, and “Follow” tabs.
To create a one-time task, you need to click on the button in the lower right corner of the screen:
Creating a “One-time” task consists of 5 steps:
Task description;
Selecting stores;
Attaching products to the task;
Assigning executors and observers;
Creating checklists for the main task or subtasks for the stores.
Changes are saved after each tap on the Next button.
On the 1st step, the following fields should be filled out:
Task name;
Attachments (file or image);
Required photo report;
Due Date (date and time).
The 2nd step is for selecting stores.
Note! For each store, a subtask will be created within the main task.
At the top of the page, a Search, and Filter button is available for filtering by Tags or Store Groups.
Step 3 allows you to select the products to be added to the task for checking. By default, a list of all assortment items for the selected stores is displayed.
Note! You can create a task without products by tapping the Without Products button.
The Search finds products by name, identifier, or by using the barcode scanner.
To filter the product list, click the button on the right at the top of the page. Products can be filtered by:
Problem blocks (Lost Sales (yesterday), Negative Stock Qty, etc.);
Note! After selecting blocks, you can filter products by category and brand.
To select all products in a block, activate the checkbox All at the top of the page.
To attach a product to a task, swipe it to the left; to remove a product — swipe it to the right.
The 4th step is for selecting artists.
Assign a different executor for each store;
Set the same role for all stores.
To set the same role for all stores in the task, tap the Set the executor(s) role button.
Note! If only one user has access to a store, they will automatically be assigned as the executor for that store.
On the “Select Executor” page, there's an option to filter
store cards by those with or without assigned executors.
Color markers have been added to store cards:
Green stripe — indicates an executor has been assigned to the task;
Red stripe — indicates no executor has been assigned to the task.
Observers are users who have been granted access to the task only at the observation level. To add observers, tap the respective button at the top of the page.
Note! Assigning “Observers” is optional.
The list of observers includes users who:
Have access to all attached stores;
Are not the task creator;
Have not been selected as the task executor.
Note! If an observer is selected as an executor, they will disappear from the list of observers.
The 5th step is used to attach Checklists to a task. On the Task details page, you can add checklists to the main task or to subtasks by store.
If the task creation process was not completed — is saved with the status Draft, and it is only visible to the creator.
After double-tapping on a task with this status, all creation stages open with pre-filled fields: task description, selected stores, attached products, and selected executors.
Note! If the list of selected stores is changed on the “Select Products” page, the product selection will be reset.
Once all stages are completed — the task appears on the "Assigned" page with the status Created. A notification is sent to all participants, and the task becomes viewable.
After double-tapping the task card, you can view its details:
Task name and status;
Time for completion;
Note! By default, the task, and subtasks are assigned the status Created, and the priority corresponds to the value set in the first step. On the subtask pages, statuses can be changed individually for each store.
The three-dot menu on the small task card is available to all users who have access to the task (author, executors, observers).
The following actions are available:
Edit — allows changing the selected task settings;
Repeat — allows proceeding to create a regular task;
Copy — copies the selected task as a one-time task;
Observers — displays a list of users who can view the task;
Delete — deletes the selected task.
For tasks with the Draft status, only the Delete option is available. A double tap on a draft card opens the task for further creation.
To change the task status, tap on the current status and select the desired one from the list:
In Progress;
The task priority can be changed in a similar manner.
The color of the icon next to the store name corresponds to its status:
Yellow — created;
Blue — in progress;
Red — returned;
Green — completed;
Gray — draft.
At the bottom of the page, there is a list of stores where the task needs to be completed.
After tapping, the subtask page opens with options to change:
Add Photo Report.
To add a photo report for the store, tap the Add photo report button and select a photo from the gallery. Photo report items can be marked, deleted, or zoomed in by tapping on the photo.
Note! You can add up to 10 photos to the photo report.
The subtask status can be changed to Completed only if a photo report is attached, provided it is required.
Note! If a photo report is attached to the subtask and its status is set to Completed, removing photo report items will automatically change the status to In Progress.
To view the task execution history, tap the corresponding button at the top of the page:
The history contains information about all events that occurred with the task (status changes, priority changes, edits to selected stores, products, copying, etc.), as well as any changes made to checklist items (creation, status changes, and deletion).
To check the task progress for a specific store, tap on its name in the main task details. This page is intended for the executor to complete tasks for the selected store.
The subtask description is similar to the main task, but the status and priority are indicated individually, and the history contains entries related only to the current store: comments, product checks, assignment of executors, etc.
To check attached products, double-tap the corresponding block in the task details. The chart shows the number of checked products relative to the total number of attached items.
You can Search for products by name, ID, or use the barcode scanner.
The product list can be filtered by check status or categories. By default, "All products" are displayed, with the option to select:
Awaiting verefication (not yet checked);
Completed (green);
Returned (red).
To mark a product that meets the requirements, simply swipe left, and if there are issues — swipe right. If needed, a comment or photo can be added.
If the task includes the “Promo Products” or “New Prom Products” block, the colored price tag scanning function becomes available.
During barcode scanning, the system analyzes the price tag color. To do this, aim the camera so that the price tag fully fits within the highlighted area.
For example, if the price tag is yellow, the product found by the barcode is automatically marked as completed (green), and a modal window opens for adding a comment or photo. If the price tag is white, the product will be found, but the check result needs to be determined manually. The product status can be changed manually by swiping it in the opposite direction.
On the “Task Details” page, there is a “Checklists” tab. Checklists allow tracking the progress of work with products added to the task.
Working with checklists includes:
Creating checklists — adding items in the “Enter a numeric value” field;
Adding checklists from a file — using the Download button;
Editing checklists — by tapping on an already created checklist item;
Changing checklist statuses — by activating the checkbox;
Deleting checklists — by swiping the item left and tapping the Delete button.
After tapping the “three dots” button, a context menu opens with the options:
“Complete/Cancel all checklists”;
“Delete all checklists”.
If the checklist is fully completed, the counter is highlighted in green.
Note! Checklists can be created both for tasks and individually for stores.
In tasks and subtasks, you can save a checklist as a template. To do this, tap the Templates button, select the Save function from the context menu, and enter the template name.
To apply a template in the required task/subtask, go to its details, tap the “Checklists” tab, tap the Templates button, and select the Apply function from the context menu.
You can search for checklist templates using the field at the top. To delete a template, tap the three dots and select Delete.
Note! Multiple templates can be applied simultaneously.
In the task and subtask details, for all participants with access, there is a general chat. To access the page, tap the “Comments” tab.
To create a new comment, add text in the field at the bottom of the page and tap the send button.
To send a message to a specific participant, tap the Reply button or mention the participant using the "@" symbol and select from the list of available users. In this case, only the mentioned user will receive a notification; otherwise, the notification will be sent to all task participants.
You can mention only those task participants who have access to the selected store. You can also like a message or reply. After a long tap, the user icons of those who liked the comment (if any) will appear.
To delete a comment, swipe left and tap the corresponding button.
Note! When deleting a comment, all replies will also be deleted.
Updated on: 20/09/2024
Thank you!