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What should you do if you have difficulties?

If you have one of the following issues:

message that you have no data:

message that something went wrong:

page loads in more than 5 minutes:

disconnect message:

Note! If you see a unique error and the following tips did not resolve the issue, please send it to our support team to resolve it.

Try the following tips to fix:

Refresh the service page. You can use one of the following methods:
- keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + r, Shift + Ctrl + r (without using cached content), and for Mac - Shift + Cmd + r;
- "Refresh" browser button;
- select "Refresh" in the context menu.

Check if the required BES services are available to you. If there is a message about the lack of data, it may indicate that you do not have access to a particular service. In this case, you need to contact your chain administrator to extend access by changing or adjusting the user role.

Disable all browser extensions that are enabled. Tips on how to do this can be read here. Or try using the incognito window, which does not use installed extensions, to use BES services.

Update your browser to the latest version. BES supports the new official version of Chrome. If you have an outdated version of it, you may have problems working with our services. Therefore, you should upgrade your browser to the latest version to create the best conditions for using BES services. You can read how to upgrade Chrome here.

Clear your browser history / cache / cookies. How to do it is described in detail here.
Note! Uncheck Passwords while clearing history if you want to save any passwords that have been saved in the browser.

Make sure you have an internet connection.

If you still have problems after following the steps above, please contact our support team:

Please indicate what steps you have already taken so that we can help you better and faster.

Updated on: 02/05/2023

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